fc and Wfc Cross Compiler for Harris RTX2000 Microprocessor Included in this distribution: -------- For PC fc\fc.exe - A RTX2000/RTX2010 optimizing cross compiler that runs on MS-DOS systems. Compiles Forth into RTX2000/RTX2010 machine codes fc\fc.doc - Documentation for the cross compiler wfc\wfc.exe - A RTX2000/RTX2010 optimizing cross compiler that runs on MS-Windows systems. Compiles Forth into RTX2000/RTX2010 machine codes wfc\wfc.hlp - Help file for the cross compiler -------- -------- For Amiga amiga\fc - A RTX2000/RTX2010 optimizing cross compiler that runs on the AMIGA. Compiles Forth into RTX2000/RTX2010 machine codes amiga\fc.doc - Documentation for the cross compiler -------- -------- General fctest - A test program that demonstrates the various optimizations performed by the compiler monitor\*.* - A debug monitor writen in Forth. When compiled, using fc, this code can be programmed into PROMs and used as a RTX2000 resident character based debugger. It allows for memory dump, memory alter, and download of compiled code for execution. The user is required to supply I/O routines for character input and output. Also in this directory is a file call RTX2000.f which provides useful register definitions for anyone using the compiler. -------- Both the cross compiler and the monitor are offered as is for free distribution.